Teaching the Qur'an Online and Over Time

"Science and the Qur'an"

The websites below are chosen because they reflect various views and not as an endorsement of their scientific or theological accuracy.


[Note: This page contains sites with a variety of viewpoints. Listing here is not an endorsement of the scientific merit of the discussion.]

[Anonymous Ceramic Tile from Iznik, Turkey, now in the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore]

Last Update 6/11

General Muslim Views

• The Amazing Quran (Gary Miller) http://www.scribd.com/doc/15795/The-Amazing-Quran
[Article exploring scientific themes in the Qur’an: Creation of the Universe, Origins of Life, Expansion of the Universe, Mountains, Developing Human Embryo, etc...]
• Irtiqa: Science and Religion News http://sciencereligionnews.blogspot.com/
• Islam, Qur’an & Science http://www.islamicity.com/Science/iqs/
[Slide presentation with Qur'anic verses linked to modern science.]
Miracles of the Qu’ran http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/index.php
[This site covers issues of Qur’an and astronomy, physics, earth, and biology. The Material is based on the works of Harun Yahya. Numerous links provided.]
The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science (Harun Yahya) http://www.harunyahya.com/the_Quran_leads_the_way_to_science01.php
THE QUR'AN AND MODERN SCIENCE (Maurice Bucaille) http://www.submission.org/Q-science.html
[This is a commonly cited but older book. For a Christian apologetic response to this, see http://answering-islam.org/Campbell/index.html.]

• Qur'aan & Modern Science : Compatible or Incompatible? (Zakir Naik) http://www.emuslim.com/QuranandScience/QuranandScience.asp and http://www.sunnahonline.com/ilm/quran/0020.htm

• The Qur'an and Modern Sciences I (Jamal Badawi, Islamic Information Foundation) http://www.islamicity.com/multimedia/radio/ch200/default.asp?inc=5.htm#Series-Ja:_The_Qur'an:_Ultimate_Miracle

[Dowloadable audio lecture.]

• QUR'AN AND SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND A BRIEF BACKGROUND TO THE HOLY QUR'AN (Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq) http://cyberistan.org/islamic/islam1.html

[Listing of Qur'anic verses relative to science.]

• Setting the Record Straight: The Miracle of Islamic Science ( Excerpted from: Appendix B of The Miracle of Islamic Science by Dr. K. Ajram) http://cyberistan.org/islamic/sciencehistory.htm

• Science Channel 19 http://www.islamicity.com/multimedia/cybertv/ch19/

[Video presentations by Harun Yahya and others.]

• Science et Religion en Islam http://www.science-islam.net/recherche.php3?lang=fr

• Statistical Miracles of the Quran (Tariq Al-Suwaidan) http://www.ummah.net/library/mirquran2/index.html

• Why "Islamic" Science? (Yahya Cooper) http://www.al-islam.org/al-serat/

Anti- Muslim Views

• Cosmology and the Koran: A Response to Muslim Fundamentalists (Richard Carrier) http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/richard_carrier/islam.html

• Islamic Science: Does Islamic  literature contain scientific miracles? (Denis Giron ) http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/denis_giron/islamsci.html

• "Quran-science": Scientific miracles from the 7th century? (Taner Edis) http://www2.truman.edu/~edis/writings/articles/quran-science.html



• Astronomy http://www.emuslim.com/QuranandScience/Astronomy.asp

[Cites relevant Qur'anic verses.]

• "Astronomy received special treatment from the Muslim scientists during
the golden era of Islamic Science and civilisation" (
Dr Syed Abdul Zahir) http://www.islamicvoice.com/june.2003/islamnast.htm

• Islamic astronomy (Owen Gingerich) http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/PHYS/alshukri/PHYS215/Islamic_astronomy.htm

• Islamic Folk Astronomy (1-3) (Daniel Martin Varisco)

• Khalid's Home of Astronomy Linked Islamic Duties: Scientific Historical Achievement Using Known Astronomy Today http://www.moonsighting.com/

[Large site with details on moon sightings and references to Qur'an on moon.]

• "A New Astronomical Quranic Method for The Determination Of The Greatest Speed C" (Dr. Mansour Hassab-Elnaby)

[Abstract: The greatest speed C, denoting the velocity of light in vacuum, is hinted at in two glorious Quranic verses relating this fundamental universal contant C with the motion of the Earth-Moon system. A new relativistic interpretation of this Quranic relation gives C=299792.5 km/s in an extremely marvellous agreement with the accepted international value. This astonishing result emphasises the unity of the physical world, the validity of the special theory of relativity and the authenticity of the Glorious Quran for unbelievers. For a critique of this view, see http://www.secweb.org/asset.asp?AssetID=168]

• THE QURAN ON ASTRONOMY! http://www.al-shia.com/html/eng/books/quran/astronomy.htm

• Why, and how, Islamic science was born and grew and taken up in Europe (George Saliba)


• Embryology http://www.emuslim.com/QuranandScience/Embryology.asp

[Cites relevant Qur'anic passages.]

• Evolution Deceit (Harun Yahya) http://www.evolutiondeceit.com

[Anti-evolution site by a Turkish Muslim.]

• Human Reproduction in the Qur'an (Raeid Jewad) http://www.al-islam.org/about/contributions/humanreproduction.html

• Islam and Darwinism (Maqsood Jafri) http://www.irfi.org/articles/articles_151_200/islam_and_darwinism.htm

• Islam, science and Concerns about Creationism int he Classroom (Jalees Rehman)

[Refutation of anti-evolution views of Harun Yahya.]

• Wonders of Qur'an (Nasir Hussain Peerzadah) http://www.islamicvoice.com/april.2000/science.htm#won

[Discusses genetics in relation to the Qur'an.]


History of Islamic Sciences

The Book of Curiosities Online

• Center for Islam and Science http://www.cis-ca.org/

[Useful site with details on Islamic scholars, annotated bibliography and glossary.]

• Commission on History of Science & Technology in Islamic Civilization http://www.ou.edu/islamsci/

[Professional organization with newsletter and links.]




Bibliography By Topic of the Mathematical Sciences in the Medieval Islamic World http://facstaff.uindy.edu/~oaks/Biblio/Intro.htm

• Bibliography of Mathematics in Medieval Islamic Civilization http://www.jphogendijk.nl/publ/Islamath.html

• Islam Cracks the Code http://islamcode.com/
[ Da Vinci Code controversy - It is everywhere! Dan Brown's book claims Jesus in not divine or God, and the gospels as we know them, have been changed, and after Jesus stay here on earth, men raised his status to the level of God. Could any of this be true?
Ancient secrets of the Church, hidden for centuries have actually been revealed and published in books prior to the fictional writings of Brown in the Da Vinci Code. Baigent and Leigh have produced other books from researchers point of view over the last two decades, including "Dead Sea Scrolls Deception", "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", and "Messianic Legacy." These books were the talk of the religious communities when they came out in the early 90's and certianly they have fueled an ongoing interest into just exactly who was this man Jesus, what was his message and what happened to him? Islam claims to "break the code" so to speak, over 1,400 years ago. The answer, according to Muslm scholars has been in the Quran for over fourteen hundred years .]

• Mathematical Miracle of the Quran http://submission.org/miracle/
[Various articles on Qur’an’s mathematical code. See also
http://www.rashadkhalifa.org/. For a critique, see http://www.answering-islam.org/Religions/Numerics/]


The International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine http://www.ishim.net/

[Professional site with newsletter and online articles.]

• Islamic Medicine Online http://www.islamicmedicine.org/

[Large site with sections related to the Qur'an and other links.]

• The Prophet's Medicine 1-2 (Daniel Martin Varisco)